To conclude this month’s emphasis on boundary setting, several of you have asked for examples of clear boundary statements. Just remember, before you make any such statements, it is important … Continue reading Samples of Clear Boundary Statements
To conclude this month’s emphasis on boundary setting, several of you have asked for examples of clear boundary statements. Just remember, before you make any such statements, it is important … Continue reading Samples of Clear Boundary Statements
Here’s your Monday Motivator – make some rules to help you honor your boundaries. I’m not saying make a rule for every situation, but sometimes when you articulate the line … Continue reading Monday Motivator: Sometimes, Setting Boundaries Requires Making Rules
This month we have devoted our posts and podcasts to the whole subject of setting boundaries. Sometimes it is useful to think about what boundaries are actually invading your life, … Continue reading Healthy versus Unhealthy Boundaries
This month we have been talking about boundaries. A great way to think about setting boundaries is to see it as defining your own behavior, not someone else’s. So, this … Continue reading Monday Motivator: Define Your OWN Behavior
Usually, we think about setting boundaries when something isn’t working quite right either physically or emotionally. A coworker being rude to you at work… People speaking too loudly outside your … Continue reading The Thing about Boundaries…
Here’s your motivating thought for the week: Reprogram your thought process to make sure that you RESPOND rather than REACT. Reacting many times includes an emotional component. Responding means that … Continue reading Monday Motivator: Respond Rather than React
Boundaries can help us honor ourselves. Setting boundaries may not always come naturally or easily. But learning to set our own healthy boundaries is a way of establishing personal freedom. … Continue reading Setting Boundaries with Difficult People