Here’s a quick challenge: throw TEN things away – before the end of the day. Count ’em. As you review a file, throw out the dupes As you open a … Continue reading Monday Motivator: Throw TEN
Here’s a quick challenge: throw TEN things away – before the end of the day. Count ’em. As you review a file, throw out the dupes As you open a … Continue reading Monday Motivator: Throw TEN
Sometimes our stress comes from our own self image, or at least from our own self limiting statements. I can’t learn this I’m not good at networking I’m always late … Continue reading Beating Stress: How a Question Can Help
Today’s motivational challenge is for you to think back on a person who has impacted your life, and thank him or her for it. It doesn’t have to be a … Continue reading Monday Motivator: Remember Your Mentor
There is a difference between REDUCING stress and MANAGING stress. When we talk about MANAGING stress, it means that we already have it. Reducing stress is about taking actions to … Continue reading 8 Ways to REDUCE Stress
OK, so you might think I’m stating the obvious for this Monday Motivator gem, but hear me out… This week, initiate a lunch with someone you don’t normally “do lunch” … Continue reading Monday Motivator: Do Lunch!
One of the missing strategies in many peoples’ time management practices is that they are hesitant to let others know what their time management plans and needs are. Listen to … Continue reading Time Management? Tell others!
A lot of what causes stress is what’s happening in the ol’ noggin. Something happens, you respond. Something’s going to happen, you worry. One of the ways to lessen the … Continue reading Three Ways Your “Self Talk” Can Help You Relieve Stress
Here’s your challenge for the week: Sit in the front row. The next time you go to a meeting, attend a religious service, attend a workshop, sit up front. Your … Continue reading Monday Motivator: Sit in the Front Row
Your attitude and the way you think can be an asset or liability in the game of success. Here’s my thought: If You Expect to Succeed, You Will I truly … Continue reading Do You EXPECT to Succeed?
Here’s your Monday Motivator: Join in! Today is Halloween. Get in the spirit. (Translation: Stop being an ol’ fuddy duddy.) Wear a costume. Dress in black and orange. Decorate your desk. … Continue reading Monday Motivator: Boo! Join the fun!