Remember the good old days when you sent everyone a reminder letter, maybe stuck a note on a notice board and all your members showed up at your meetings? How … Continue reading The Art of Getting People To Show Up at Meetings
Remember the good old days when you sent everyone a reminder letter, maybe stuck a note on a notice board and all your members showed up at your meetings? How … Continue reading The Art of Getting People To Show Up at Meetings
Cell phone usage and texting have grown to a leading factor in automobile accidents. As of this writing only 9 states have legislated against texting while driving. That means that … Continue reading DWT (Driving while Texting) Policy? It is smart business.
Congrats or your appointment as committee chairman! Here’s a little secret… The chairperson is, most of all, a coordinator, energizer and a facilitator. That’s the secret. You say “Duh.” But … Continue reading A New Committee Chairman? Here’s a Little Secret
Some folks feel a bit awkward initiating icebreakers in a group when the group has not used icebreakers before. Not to worry, a little advance work will help gain acceptance … Continue reading Feel Awkward about Introducing Icebreakers?
Why Icebreakers? They set a positive tone for the meeting They give the speaker or chairman an approachable aura They loosen things up They help build relationships They give people … Continue reading Why Icebreakers?
Developing talent is not a one time effort. For organizations to be continually successful, they need to populate vacancies, and move great talent upward continually. This calls for a talent … Continue reading Ask a Coach: Why is a Talent Culture Important to My Organization’s Success?