One of the expressions I use alot in the email messaging world is, “If there is ANY chance an email message might be misinterpreted, it will be!” The times that … Continue reading Ouch! That Email Message Hurt! How to respond to an upsetting email.
What is your business card strategy? When you envision yourself at any kind of networking function, I’m sure you’ll agree that the business card is the easiest way to share … Continue reading Business cards: are they better to give or receive?
How Well Do You See from the Other Side? Why doesn’t everyone just get along???? We hear this all the time. Whether it is differing values or conflicts or misunderstandings, … Continue reading Get Along!
The word remarkable has taken on a new meaning in recent years. People use the word “remarkable” to say the same as “awesome,” “wonderful” or “amazing.” “Remarkable” means that it … Continue reading Why Being “Remarkable” is a Great Business Strategy
Creativity means thinking newly. That means you may attract criticism from those who dislike change. Fearing criticism is fearing progress. “To live a creative life, we must lose our fear … Continue reading Quote: To live a creative life…
Can you remember the first conversation you had three days ago? How about what you had for dinner a week last Wednesday? No? You wouldn’t be alone. However, I bet you could … Continue reading The Hidden Power Of The Compliment
Do you agree with this? Any good apology has three parts: 1) I’m sorry. 2) It’s my fault. 3) What can I do to make it right? Most people forget … Continue reading Quote: Any good apology has…
Smile for your career. Really. Many people underestimate the power of a simple smile. In reality, that smile you share with someone else can be one of the best career … Continue reading Smile – You’re on Candid (Career) Camera
Being proactive about our future will pay great dividends. “If you don’t make the time to work on creating the life you want, you’re eventually going to be forced to … Continue reading Quote by Kevin Ngo: If you don’t make time to…