Email Tip: Set work reminder alarms for the same time. You’ve learned how to set reminders… When you use them to remind you to do work (rather than attend a … Continue reading Email Tip: Set work reminder alarms for the same time.
Email Tip: Set work reminder alarms for the same time. You’ve learned how to set reminders… When you use them to remind you to do work (rather than attend a … Continue reading Email Tip: Set work reminder alarms for the same time.
According to TechDirt.com, some psychiatrists have been pushing hard to have internet addiction officially classified in the psychiatrist’s bible, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). The American … Continue reading Internet Addiction “might” get added as an official addiction!
Efficiency Tip: Sort (rather than work) your email Please forward this tip to every e-mailer you know… Let’s help each other be more efficient. Here’s the tip: Too many emailers … Continue reading Email Efficiency Tip: Sort (rather than work) your email
Should I send a blind copy of an email to myself, so that I have a record of it? NO. NO. NO! That’s extra work. That will create another email … Continue reading Ask Marsha: Should I send a blind copy of an email to myself?