Email is NOT a meeting! Don’t try to make it one! Some people use e-mail to “discuss” issues and gain opinions. Each time an opinion question is sent to numerous … Continue reading Email is NOT a meeting!
Email is NOT a meeting! Don’t try to make it one! Some people use e-mail to “discuss” issues and gain opinions. Each time an opinion question is sent to numerous … Continue reading Email is NOT a meeting!
Viral Efficiency Tip: Top-Down Inbox Please forward this tip to every e-mailer you know… Let’s help each other be more efficient. Here’s the email efficiency tip: Sort your newly received … Continue reading Email Efficiency Tip: Top-Down Inbox
Tired of being on all those mailing lists? Visit http://www.dmachoice.org and click on “remove my name from those lists.” This complimentary service not only helps you with information on how … Continue reading Email Efficiency: Tired of being on all those mailing lists?
The average worker today focuses on a task for about three minutes – that’s it. Then, they’re interrupted or they interrupt themselves. Multitasking is a bunch of hooey. You can’t … Continue reading Email Interruptions: Is MultiTasking causing us to think less deeply?