We all know them. They are our friends who love jokes, and continually, and perhaps incessantly share them with us by email. And while we appreciate the thought, we groan … Continue reading How to Stop the Jokester without Losing a Friend
We all know them. They are our friends who love jokes, and continually, and perhaps incessantly share them with us by email. And while we appreciate the thought, we groan … Continue reading How to Stop the Jokester without Losing a Friend
I received this question the other day: I’ve got a auto website client who needs to put an autosignature on the bottom of autoresponders and newsletters. Is it best to … Continue reading Email Signature: Whose do you use for “auto” responses?
Somewhat related to the copy happy emailer is the person who sends blind copies of emails to “interested” parties. This practice is akin to “playing rat.” It can be viewed … Continue reading Do you know this toxic emailer? Blind Copy Callie
Here is some great advice by my speaker friend, Lynda Goldman. She recently sent this to her readers: ==== Wait! Before you press send, take a moment to edit and … Continue reading Before You Press “Send” -by Lynda Goldman