Make it easy for people to respond quickly. By including your contact information in every sent e-mail, you make it easy for the recipient to respond to you, whether by … Continue reading Autosignatures – Smart move!
Make it easy for people to respond quickly. By including your contact information in every sent e-mail, you make it easy for the recipient to respond to you, whether by … Continue reading Autosignatures – Smart move!
Do you know this e-mailer? (names have been changed to protect the guilty) Keyboard Kim’s fingers are locked to her keyboard. That’s all she does-tap away on those keys. No … Continue reading Do you know this toxic e-mailer? Keyboard Kim
Have you ever received an Email Message like this? Hi everyone! I’d like to try what I’ll call a “virtual meeting”- I’d like to throw out a question and get … Continue reading Meet by E-Mail? Let’s blog instead!
The minute you send an urgent email to a co-worker or subordinate, you’ve just infected them. Email is a great tool. It is efficient, effective, and inexpensive! It was never … Continue reading Urgent Emails are TOXIC!
The main goal of proper inbox maintenance is to keep your inbox available for newly-received items. Don’t get the shakes… it IS possible, and it DOES work. Emptying your inbox does … Continue reading E-mail Management Best Practice: Flush your Inbox
How many times have you heard someone say, “I’ve gotta do e-mail?” Or, how many times have you said it yourself? Consider this. E-mail itself is not a task. It … Continue reading Do you “Do E-mail” or “Sort your Work?”
Before you started noodling through all the messages that are in your inbox, try a new perspective. Think of an emergency room intake nurse. The nurse “triages” patients based on their … Continue reading Trouble Managing Your E-Mail? Behave Like an E-mergency Room Nurse