Here is a review of my book, wanted to share – Inbox Detox: If you’re anything like me, you can’t function without email. We rely on it daily for communication … Continue reading Klaus Givskov-Christensen on “Inbox Detox”
Here is a review of my book, wanted to share – Inbox Detox: If you’re anything like me, you can’t function without email. We rely on it daily for communication … Continue reading Klaus Givskov-Christensen on “Inbox Detox”
So, you wonder how businesses can reclaim an hour or more a day with e-mail excellence? It’s the interruptions! E-mail has become the 21st Century Gran-daddy Interrupter of the Universe! … Continue reading Email-us Interruptus: The Productivity Sapper!
Consider the economic impact if businesses could reclaim an hour of productivity a day, per worker. It’s possible, but it appears most companies are clueless or could “care-less.” California … Continue reading I Don’t GET it! Doesn’t ANYone “see” the impact of e-mail excellence in the workplace?
Here’s another way to think about managing your e-mail… Try to touch each message a maximum of TWO times. Huh?!! What about those ol’ time management rules that say touch … Continue reading E-mail Tip: How many times do you read and reread an E-mail message?
Our last post showed that the average emailer checks his or her inbox 70 times a day… Frankly, I think this is ridiculous. But aside from that, consider this: If … Continue reading Give yourself the advantage over email overload…
RescueTime, a company that analyzes computer habits, has found that the average American worker checks 40 Web sites daily, checks e-mail 50 times and uses instant messaging 77 times a … Continue reading Are your email and internet habits above or below average?