We’ve all heard of sleep walking, sleep talking, and even sleep eating, but now there’s a new late-night culprit – sleep e-mailing, or zzzmailing, as it’s now been dubbed. The … Continue reading Zzzmailing — a new late-night culprit?!!
We’ve all heard of sleep walking, sleep talking, and even sleep eating, but now there’s a new late-night culprit – sleep e-mailing, or zzzmailing, as it’s now been dubbed. The … Continue reading Zzzmailing — a new late-night culprit?!!
More interesting “stuff” from Basex -“Workplace interruptions cost US economy $588 bn a year” by The EditorsFinancial Express, 01/09/2006 “Over the past decade, psychiatrist Edward Hallowell has seen a tenfold … Continue reading Work induced ADD?
This is the most recent survey we could find… we can only assume the numbers are growing. “Workplace interruptions cost US economy $588 bn a year” by The EditorsFinancial Express, … Continue reading And you think Email interruptions aren’t costly?