Last week, we had a lively Coaching at The Corner discussion about things you can do to build even better business relationships.
Unless you’re a hermit with no social interaction, relationships can help (or hurt) you and your business. Here are ten tips–do’s and don’ts–that can help make your professional relationships “work.”
- Sincerity. While you might think it goes without saying, it must be said. The only relationships that work, long term are those in which both parties have sincere intentions and actions.
- Reciprocation. Or better, give more than you receive. Relationships that work thrive on give and take, not take take take take take.
- Trust. Relationships are build on trust, honesty, and respect. By both parties.
- Benefit of the doubt. This is a direct offshoot of having a trusting and trustful relationship. When things don’t go quite right, give the other party the respect they deserve by you assuming that their intentions were positive.
- Avoiding back stabbing or sharing private information. This is what respect means. By not sharing private information or gossiping, you honor the business relationship.
- Keeping your word. Nuff said. Do what you promise.
- Contact when you don’t need something. While this can be challenging in today’s hustle and bustle environment, quick touches with your network can keep the relationship alive.
- Smile. Loosen your laugh trigger. Stop being tense. Enjoy working together.
- Make it a bit personal. Notice what is on the walls, in the picture frames. It doesn’t have to be all business.
Be real. The power behind giving yourself permission to be yourself is very freeing, and makes all of this quite enjoyable.
People are social beings. This is what makes us tick. This is what makes business and life enjoyable.
What other tips have worked for you? We’d love to know…