
No Fear: Conquer Your Fear of Public Speaking

Yikes!!!!!!!!!!!!! You’ve been asked to speak. NOW WHAT????

Overcoming fear of public speaking IS possible. One of the best ways to do it is to take the focus off of yourself. This audio gives you numerous hints that will take your light-headed, near fainting tremors and turn them into the butterflies that they should be.

Marsha Egan, a professional speaker, shares her insights into how to take the fear out of public speaking (or at least to minimize it!) Join her for an hour of common sense tips that will help you overcome the number one fear in the world.

You can do it! Yes you can!

This audio download can be in your hands as soon as you complete your order. And you will feel less stressed, and more prepared for your speech, once you’ve llistened to her tips, and applied them to you situation.

All it will take is just under an hour of your time – you can put this all into perspective!

So click here to get that download started, your stress will improve the longer you listen. Only $29.95!

Please note: this audio is included in the ‘LIT from Within’ Bundle, which includes nine audios for a bit more than the price of three.