
Networking: The 50 Lunch Launch

Category: Networking Brilliance

Want learn the best secret that will build your networking base? Solidify your business relationships?  Increase your recognition in the community?  Turn prospects into clients?

EASY…  Take them to lunch!!!

How can this be such a great secret?  It’s not a new revelation.  Lunches have long been used to turn prospects into clients and to build rapport with people who can support you in your business.

The new twist on this time tested relationship builder is to pattern business lunches into your business plan as a key marketing component.

Some folks have a natural bent towards inviting people to join them for lunch and can be seen doing it regularly.  The rest of us do it in a more haphazard way, almost a “popcorn” approach:  if it comes up in conversation, and if it fits my schedule, I’ll do it.

The “Fifty Lunch Launch” puts a method and plan together that maximizes the benefits of a business lunch and results in more and better relationships in your community.

The best part about it is that it is SOOOO SIMPLE!

Here is the process:

Take one new prospect to lunch EVERY week!

Now, this is not rocket science. Not difficult. Not even that expensive.  The important point is that it is a plan.  It is a pro-active marketing effort, rather than a reaction to a chance meeting with someone.  By planning and budgeting for one lunch every week in the year, you will build fifty new relationships; the relationships that will help you build your business network.

Here’s the method:

  1. Start a list of  people who are good lunch prospects.  List as many people as you can, who you have never had a luncheon or breakfast engagement with.  Try to get at least 50 names on the list.  These people can be friends, acquaintances and even strangers.  If you don’t know names, write titles or positions such as “manager, abc shop.”
  2. Prioritize the list based on your business objectives.
  3. Call them and invite them to lunch! (Breakfast works, too.)
  4. Budget to pay for the other person’s meal
  5. Make this a weekly activity that is built into your business plan.
  6. Review the list periodically, add names, and revise the priorities as your business changes.
  7. Keep a record of your results.

Sometimes, people won’t be able to join you immediately;  schedule them for a week that works for them.  Be flexible, yet make sure you are averaging one business meal a week.  You’ll be amazed at the results over a year’s time!

When you join the person for lunch, make sure your mindset is that of developing a MUTUALLY beneficial relationship.  These engagements will be less effective if you are focussed only on what is in it for you.  Use the opportunity to get to know the person, his or her interests, and business priorities.  And share yours as well.  Remember that people want to help people who help them, so don’t be shy about offering to help that person with his or her business or personal challenges.

A few etiquette reminders:

  • Make a reservation
  • Get there early
  • Inform the wait staff that you will take the check
  • Mind your manners
  • Be aware of the other person’s time commitments

The most important mindset is that you have an enjoyable time.  Just think, 50 of these will launch your business network to the next level… all the while you are having fun doing it.

Lunches and breakfasts are great opportunities to get to know folks better.  They are not as formal as meetings, and allow for personal discussions as well.  Getting to know people as individuals is a very effective way to open the door to business relationships that will be mutually beneficial.  That’s what it’s all about, isn’t it?

Copyright, Marsha D. Egan, CEO, The Egan Group, Inc.
