
Let’s Keep It Simple

Get rid of the chaos and learn how leading a simple life can help you enjoy your life. Read these tips to simplify!

How Leading a Simple Life Can Help you Enjoy Your Life

We’ve all heard of the KISS method. Keep It Simple Sam. In this over-committed lifestyle we all seem to be leading, there are a number of good reasons to “keep it simple.”

So, let’s think about this…

The simpler the system or process, the less it can break down. And when it does, the simpler it is to fix. A good example of this is when a company has multiple people or departments touching a product before it is released to the customer. The more people or touchpoints, the more potential for error and/or delay.

The simpler the procedure, the more likely people will use it. Many of us tend to avoid or put off complicated processes, whether they are personal or business. By keeping things simple, you’ll increase the use of the system and help its effectiveness. Technology can be a great tool in this arena.

Less is better. Think about the last lengthy email message you received.
Did you read it all, word for word? Most likely not. But if that message you received had only one sentence, chances are, you’d read the entire thing. What about those grocery bags you’re saving, “just in case” you’ll need one? Save two – throw the rest out! How about those 10 year old reports that you think you might need one day?

Simple eliminates clutter. Clutter creates stress and overwhelm. The less clutter you have, the simpler your life will be. How long do you spend searching for a tool in your junk drawer? How difficult is it to find an email message among the 1000 that you’re holding in your inbox? What is your stress level when you approach your desk strewn with unruly papers?

Simple increases quality. When you focus on only one thing, you can give it your 100% attention. Too many people try to do many things at once, thereby creating confusion and complexity. The end result is that few of the task are done well, creating more work and more complexity. Simplicity includes single focus. Doing one thing at a time can be a competitve advantage.

Actions to consider?

  • Streamline processes, ask “Is this step really needed?”
  • Keep you emails short – very short.
  • Give 100% focus to the task at hand
  • Eliminate clutter – everywhere!
  • Throw stuff away, voraciously – every day.

Your simpler life will thank you for it.
