Fall, 2020

Focus is one of those secret weapons that successful people have and use. Below are 5 tips to help you increase your focus… and your success.

While some people may have motivation, persistence, drive, energy… It can be lost or diffused if they are unable to harness the power of positive focus.

What is focus? Well the dictionary will say that as a verb it is to concentrate, or as a noun, a central point of attention or activity.

And I use the words "positive focus" as an intentional concentration on something that you see as important to your success into your life.

We discussed this topic at my biweekly virtual "Coaching at the Corner" here from Nantucket. It was a lively discussion, for sure, and many of our participants lamented the challenges they have with staying focused because of the plethora of things they have pulling at them in all diretions at all times. We all have these kinds of challenges, don't we?

Here are some pointers:

  1. Choose the "right stuff." Before you can apply your ability to focus, it's important for you to decide your priorities. What is it that you want to do be or have in the short medium and long-range?
  2. Clarity. The clearer you are on what those goals are, the easier it will be for you to focus. As Cheryl Richardson has said, "To focus means to bring your attention to the center, to concentrate on one thing intently in order to gain clarity."
  3. Give it 100.  Once you have decided to focus, give it 100%. Don't give it 80% while thinking about something else with 20% of your gray matter. Even if your task will take only 3 minutes, give it 100% for those 3 minutes. I call it "full focus."
  4. Conquer those distractions. Don't let those distractions own you, take control. Do you really have to answer that telephone? Do you really have to respond to the email request for feedback on your recent online purchase? Do you need to have your email open at all? By confronting your distractions, it is easier for you to minimize them.
  5. Execution. A lot of people have goals, and they just sit there in a book or on a piece of paper that is rarely referenced. Once you have clarity with your goals, the next move is to execute. Take steps in a focused way to achieve that target.

It is interesting to think that what you focus on will grow, and what you neglect will either fade away or die. FFT...!

What tips can you share about being focused?

Hi all. Great to be back with you. A few updates:

  1. Insta! We’ve joined the 21st century and are now on Instagram! (Hey, it’s about time, Marsha!) You can follow us at marshadegan for motivating career and success tips.
  2. Self-guided Coaching: We’re refining our new website “Marsha’s Inner Circle” – a site where can find self-coaching guidance, leadership development tools, self-development assessments, guided lunch ‘n learns,  and articles you may use in your organization’s communications and newsletters. Stay tuned – we’ll announce it soon.
  3. Quarterly! We’ve decided to shift to quarterly newsletters. I hope you’ll find our Fall 2020 newsletter insightful and useful.

Conquer Those Distractions (40 second read)

Focus and Multi-tasking: Friend or Foe? (30 second read)

“What you stay focused on will grow.” Roy Bennett

“Always focus on the front windshield and not the review mirror.” ― Colin Powell

“It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.” — Aristotle Onassis

50% off! Invest in in our audio MP3, “The Time of Your Life” for more tips on time management and focusing on the right priorities.

Use code TIME50 at check out.

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